
Coming up

TSKA Course with Sensei Matt Price, 7th Dan, JKS. Former European and world champion.

Attendance by pre-booking only. Please speak with Sensei Terry or Sempai Bobbie if you are interested.

Don't miss this opportunity!

details can be found here:

Future events

A special Q&A evening and buffet with Sensei/Reverend Joe Ellis of NAKMAS!

Details to follow

Special course with Sensei Peter Manning, 8th Dan, TSKA Chief Instructor. This will be followed by club Kyu grading.

This is to be held at St Gregory's Catholic School, Sports Hall.

Use the same road that leads to Tunbdridge Wells Sports Centre but take your first left, proceed down the side of TW sports centre, through the metal gates and the Sport Hall is to the right. (There is also a sports hall to the left, which is the Tunbridge Wells Boys Grammar Sports Hall, this is not the one.)

Course fee £20  pp


TSKA Annual Residential Course will be held at Weymouth and will run between 16th May - 19th May with training on Saturday, Sunday and Monday followed by Kyu and Dan grading.

You can find full details of the course and flyer at

Speak with Sensei Terry or Sempai Bobbie for more information

“ Regardless of how many kata you know, if your training is inadequate they will be useless. ”
- Kenwa Mabuni